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Dealing with Hair Fall? Let’s Discuss its Causes and Effective Treatments

Every woman, irrespective of her age, has had her share of hair fall concerns. The sight of strands on the comb or around the shower drain can be distressing, especially if you're unsure about its causes or how to combat it. But before you start panicking, it's essential to understand hair fall in depth, learn about its causes, and the effective treatments available.

What is Hair fall?

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon wherein strands of hair shed from the scalp. It's a part of the hair's life cycle, but for some, it can be more noticeable and concerning. Experiencing hair fall means witnessing more hair than usual detaching from the scalp during daily activities like brushing, washing, or even gently tugging.

It's natural to shed 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is considered standard hair fall and is part of the hair's renewal process. Some women might notice a slight increase in hair fall during specific seasons, which is considered normal. After giving birth, many women experience a noticeable increase in hair shedding, which is temporary and resolves over time.

However, if you notice clumps of hair coming out, it's a sign of concern. Also, if the usual amount of hair you shed suddenly increases or if your hair's overall volume diminishes noticeably, it may be time to delve deeper into the causes and seek treatment.

What Causes Hair fall?

There are many possible reasons why you experience hair fall. Let’s look at some main causes:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal fluctuations, especially during significant life events like pregnancy, menopause, or due to medical conditions like PCOS, can intensify hair fall. The imbalance affects the hair growth cycle, leading to thinning and shedding.

2. Stress

Prolonged emotional or physical stress affects the body in various ways. Elevated cortisol levels, known as the stress hormone, can disrupt the hair growth cycle, resulting in increased shedding.

3. Dietary Deficiencies

Hair requires essential nutrients for growth and strength. A lack of iron, protein, biotin, and other vital vitamins can compromise hair health, leading to breakage and shedding.

4. Medications and Treatments

Certain drugs, especially those for blood pressure, depression, arthritis, and cancer treatments like chemotherapy, may have hair loss as a side effect.

5. Thyroid Issues

Both hypo and hyperthyroidism affect hair health. The thyroid gland plays a significant role in various body functions, including hair growth.

6. Over Styling

Consistent heat treatments, chemical hair procedures, and tight hairstyles can cause stress to the hair shaft and follicles. This physical stress can weaken hair, making it more susceptible to breakage.

7. Age

Natural ageing results in decreased hair density and growth rate. Over time, hair follicles can stop producing new strands, leading to thinning.

8. Infections

Certain infections, like fungal infections or ringworm of the scalp, can disrupt hair health. These conditions can cause itching, inflammation, and hair fall.

9. Autoimmune Diseases

Conditions like alopecia areata result in the immune system mistakenly attacking hair follicles. This reaction leads to sudden hair loss, often in small circular patches.

What are Effective Treatments for Hair Fall?

Addressing hair fall involves a multi-pronged approach. While understanding the root cause is paramount, adopting effective treatments can help manage and even reverse hair fall in many cases. The first step often begins with overhauling one's hair care regimen, and the centrepiece of that change is often an anti-hair fall shampoo.

5 Reasons Why You Must Use an Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo

An anti-hair fall shampoo can work wonders. Here’s how a hair fall shampoo can help:

1. Anti-hair fall shampoos are specifically formulated to address hair fall concerns. They contain active ingredients that strengthen hair from the roots, making them less prone to breakage.

2. Hair fall control shampoos are enriched with essential vitamins, proteins, and minerals. They provide the necessary nourishment to hair follicles, promoting healthier and stronger hair growth.

3. A healthy scalp is the foundation of strong hair. Anti-hair fall shampoos often come with ingredients that soothe the scalp, reduce inflammation, and combat scalp issues that can lead to hair fall.

4. Anti-hair fall shampoos fortify the hair shaft. They provide elasticity and strength to the hair, preventing breakage from daily activities such as brushing or styling.

At Kérastase, we have a range specifically formulated to tackle hair fall concerns - Meet the Genesis range. The Genesis range of shampoos contain potent combinations of Ginger Root and Edelweiss Native Cells that strengthen hair fibre for intense resilience.

It comes in two variants:

  • Genesis Bain Nutri-Fortifiant Shampoo for Normal to Dry Hair
  • Genesis Bain Hydra-Fortifiant Shampoo for Normal to Oily Hair

Beyond the use of a specialised shampoo, other hair fall treatment products and practices can further combat hair fall:

  • Scalp Treatment for Hair Fall - Scalp treatments can rejuvenate the hair roots, ensuring better blood circulation and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles. This can lead to a healthier scalp environment, promoting hair growth. The Genesis Ampoules Cure Anti-Chute Fortifiantes Treatment is an excellent scalp treatment for intense period of hair fall. An anti-hair fall fortifying treatment for weakened hair, it soothes and decreases scalp itchiness by reinforcing the natural protective barrier of the scalp.
  • Conditioning - After shampooing your hair, it is equally important that you condition it by adding a conditioner and masque to your hair care routine. The Genesis Fondant Renforçateur Conditioner restores suppleness and fortifies hair strands, while the Genesis Masque Reconstituant Mask deeply nourishes and reinforces weakened hair. Together, they provide the much-needed moisture and hydration, ensuring your hair remains resilient, shiny, and soft. Depending upon your hair requirements, you can use either of these products post shampooing.
  • Balanced Diet and Supplements - A diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins can play a significant role in hair health.
  • Limiting Heat and Chemical Treatments - Reducing the frequency of heat styling and chemical treatments can prevent further damage and breakage, allowing the hair to recover and strengthen. When you do use heat, make sure to use a heat protectant such as the Genesis Défense Blow Dry Primer
  • Hair Oils and Serums - Regularly massaging the scalp with oils can stimulate blood flow. Moreover, serums with active ingredients can provide targeted treatment for hair fall, offering both protection and repair. Another stellar hair fall treatment product from the Genesis range is the Genesis Anti-Hair Fall Serum. It is formulated for normal to dry, weakened hair that is prone to falling due to breakage. This lightweight, silicone-free serum targets and re-anchors hair follicles more solidly into the scalp to minimise breakage.

With a multitude of treatments available, it's crucial to choose a regimen tailored to individual needs. Using high-quality products like those from Kérastase, can make a substantial difference in managing hair fall effectively.

As we've explored, there are numerous reasons behind what causes hair fall. The good news? Understanding what causes hair fall is the first step, and investing in a hair fall control shampoo can be the solution. Remember, how to treat hair fall begins with understanding its root cause. With the right information and products, including the best hair fall treatment products, you can confidently combat it.

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